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Parent Portal Information

Lumens Grading System

Parents of Gainesville School students may gain access to their child's grades by using the parent portal of the Lumens Grading System.  Parents may obtain access by filling out necessary forms from the Principal's office and signing a user agreement.  Parents are then assigned a User ID and User Password to use on the link above.

Parent Portal Login Page

LUMENS runs best with Mozilla Firefox. You must also allow the SSL Certificate in order to view the information. If you need help with this process, please call Emmy Ellison at the elementary - 679-4416,  Becky Hamm at the high school - 679-4200 or click on the attachment below. The attachment provides step-by-step directions for adding the SSL Exemption to your system.
The Parent Portal gives parents access to student information. Parents may view their child's information about breakfast/lunch purchases and balances, attendance, grades, course information, class schedules, teacher contact information, assignments and scores for each class, school calendar activities, certain assessment information, transcripts (high school only), and last calculated class rank (high school only, calculated at semester only). In order to access the portal, parents must sign a user terms and conditions agreement. Please contact the building level secretary for an agreement. Once this is received a username and password along with instructions will be mailed to the parent. Parents with more than one child in the district may add all their children to one page so all students of a family may be viewed with one username and password. The directions for this are included with the intial instruction letter. If you have any questions about the parent portal, please feel free to contact the High School @ 679-4200 or the elementary @ 679-4416.  Gainesville R-V School District works diligently to provide timely and accurate communication information. Thank you for partnering with us in this effort. 
The four-page Parent-Guardian Technology Use agreement and the signature page are attached below.  Once the signature page is returned, directions, User ID and password for your child will be mailed to you.  If there are multiple parents who have educational decision-making rights, each parent must sign the agreement and a separate userid and password will be created for each parent.