Health Services
The school health office provides first aid and health care to over students, faculty, and staff. If your child is injured or becomes ill, they will be sent to the nurses' office. Parents should be aware of a few guidelines.
Students are typically sent home from school for three reasons: a) a fever of 100 or greater; b) vomiting, with or without fever; c) any condition we deem potentially contagious to other students (i.e., head lice or pinkeye). Other special circumstances can occur; in those cases, we will use nursing skills and judgment, as well as communicate with parents, to determine if your child needs to be sent home.
State health regulations dictate that students cannot attend school unless properly immunized and can provide satisfactory evidence of the immunization unless they are exempt.
Please keep us updated on your address and phone number as they change and all emergency information, including your current doctor.
The health office/nurse will perform basic first aid and dispense basic over the counter medication for minor illness such as headaches, indigestion, and minor aches and pains. There must be a current medication consent form signed by parent/guardian on file in the health office before the nurse can dispense medicines for minor illnesses. The district stocks epinephrine that can be used on any student in an emergency. Parents need to notify the district in writing if they do not want these medicines administered in an emergency. (Policy JHCD)
We will assist in giving your child’s medication at school; however, it must be in the original container. Medications will not be issued from any other container. A note from the parent must accompany all medicine. The school nurse will administer the medicine at the student's lunch period unless a doctor has ordered a specific time. Please arrange your medication schedule at home accordingly. Never send a medication to school that the student has not previously taken. The first dose of a medicine will not be given at school; this prevents allergic reactions at school. Medication will only be given in the recommended dosage according to the doctor’s instruction.