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Several assessments are given to students at Gainesville R-V School District. SAT 10, MAP, EOC, as well as local assessments such as AR for reading, STARR math, DRA, Physical Fitness, and Government are all given to help assess the mastery of strategies taught in class. Data gathered from test results give educators a good picture of student readiness for the next grade level while allowing teachers to evaluate curriculum and instruction to meet student needs.

SAT 10 is given in 1st and 2nd grades in Communication Arts and Math in the spring. This information is used to aide teachers in evaluating student learning and areas of strength and weakness.

MAP testing is given in grades 3-8 each year in Communication Arts and Math. The MAP test is based on GLEs (Grade Level Expectations). The GLEs are developed by teams of educators from all over the state including practicing classroom teachers, administrators, professional development personnel, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education specialists, and content experts. This team develops a content set that would provide a solid foundation for education in that subject area for students in that grade level. By giving the exam annually, educators are able to track progress of students more efficiently.

Science is tested in 5th and 8th grade and once in high school via EOC per NCLB requirements.

EOC (End of Course) exams are given at the end of Algebra I, Government, Biology, and English II. These exams constitute 15% of the student's grade in the course. If the student does not pass the course, the EOC is not taken until the student re-takes the course. These assessments are taken at the end of the year when the student takes the class. Although every student might not take these courses, state and federal mandates require every student to take these four EOC exams before exiting high school, regardless of whether they have taken the course or not.