After you apply to a college, make sure to check out the scholarships offered through that specific college. Prospective students can apply for multiple scholarship opportunities by just filling out one form on most colleges' websites. These scholarships range from need-based to merit-based scholarships. The links to a few local college financial aid sites can be found below. Check the college where you have been accepted for scholarships, but be advised deadlines are earlier for the institutional scholarships.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University, West Plains:
Arkansas State University, Mountain Home:
Ozark Technical College (OTC), Springfield:
Missouri State University, Springfield:
University of Missouri, Columbia:
Missouri Southern State University, Joplin:
* Important Tip: Parents, do not fill out your child's scholarship applications. Scholarship committees will not consider an application filled out by anyone other than the student.
* Essay Writing Tip: When asked to write a short essay, stick to specific details and examples. Try to avoid vague general phrases and nonspecific wording.
Many resources can be found online. Some reputable scholarship search links can be found below:
John T. Belcher Scholarship: Only one nominee will be selected from GHS. The local school board will determine the nominee based on academic achievement, leadership abilities, and the quality of an essay on a topic related to public education. See Mrs. Donley for an application. The nominee will be voted on during the December board meeting. All application materials must be returned to the counselor’s office by November 10, 2023.
Hagan Scholarship: Student must have a GPA of at least 3.75. Work experience is required. FAFSA EFC (Expected Family Contribution) must be less than $6,500. Applications and guidelines are found online at . Deadline is December 1, 2023.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarships for Juniors: "As one of the nation's largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Association seeks students who have exhibited determination, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as have critical financial need."